Using FileZilla FTP Client to Upload and Download Files from Hosting Server

Using FileZilla FTP Client to Upload and Download Files from Hosting Server

Every day we deal with the transfer of website files (to and fro) from the hosting server.  This can be done very easily from FileZilla software. FileZilla is not only a free software, but is also available for multiple platforms including Windows, Mac OS X & Linux.

What is FTP Client

FTP Client Software works on FTP protocol (File Transfer Protocol), using this protocol the FTP client software can upload and download files to and from the hosting server.

If you want to want your website’s content should be read by millions of online reader then you should have RSS System installed in your website. For RSS you will need FeedBurner too, so kindly check this tutorial – What is FeedBurner and expose your website’s content.

What is FileZilla ?

FileZilla is a FTP Client software through which you can update your website files on the server, anytime and whenever you like. It is regarded as the Best Free FTP Client used by millions of website owners to update their website codes, images and other files.  You can download and install it from here

Using FileZilla Client

To connect with your hosting server with the FileZilla Client, you need to have an FTP account. A FTP account can be created from FTP Accounts icon in the cPanel.

cPanel FTP Accounts

After clicking the FTP Accounts icon, a new page will open where you give the login and password credentials. In the directory field put public_html , then click the Create FTP Account button.

Creating FTP Account

Now open your FileZilla Client Software and put your FTP account credentials.

  • Host: Host will be your domain name ( or hosting IP Address (provided in cPanel).
  • Username: Username of your FTP account.
  • Password: Password of your FTP account.

Once you have entered these details, press the Quickconnect button to establish connection.

What is CDN? CDN works on top of your web hosting to provide 3 important things, these are – ‘quick loading speed’, ‘high security against hackers & spammers’ and ‘load balancing during high trasffic’.

Now you are ready to transfer files.

making ftp connection with filezilla

Upload and Download Files and Folders

Once you are connected with your hosting server, FileZilla will start showing the hosting server files and folders (under the Remote site heading on the right side).

Similarly on the left side, under the heading Local site, it will show your local computer files.

Steps to upload the files and folders:

  • Browse to your website files, on your local pc, from the Local site area.
  • Browse to the hosting server folder location, where you have to upload the files, from the Remote site area.
  • Select the files and folder from the Local site area (for selecting multiple files hold Ctrl key and click on each files with your mouse), and drag and drop to the Remote site area.

Steps to download files and folders:

  • Browse to the folder, in your local pc (Local site area), where you want to download files.
  • Select the files and folder from the hosting server (Remote site area).
  • Drag and drop them to the Local site area.
transferring files with FileZilla

Editing Files
FileZilla makes file editing easier and much faster than other methods. The files like HTML, text, XML, PHP, JS etc can be opened, in a text editor like notepad.  Just right click on the file and select View/Edit option.

It will open the file on your text editor, do all the changes in it and in the end press Ctrl + S keys to save it back to the server.

You you want to do Doman Transfer to a new Registrar, but your developer is charging $100 for this work. I tell you that you can do this work by your own, it is very simple too. Kindly check this tutorial.

To set notepad as a default text editor

  • Go to View & Settings, under Select page click File editing.
  • For Default editor select – Use system’s default editor for text files.
  • Select option Always use default editor.
  • Click OK to save the changes.
using notepad as default editor

FileZilla Settings

FileZilla is a Free FTP Client software yet it has all the necessary features you need. It is the reason why it ranks first in Best Free FTP Client software list.

Some of its important settings are given below –

1. Simultaneous File Transfers & Speed Limits
Control the no of Simultaneous file transfers and upload/download speed limits from Edit & Settings & Transfers.

2. Themes
Select your desired theme from Edit & Settings & Interface & Themes.

3. Transfer Mode
From Edit & Settings & Connection & FTP.

Do let us know about any questions you have from our comments section below.


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