Entity Framework Core Migrations keep the database synchronized with the domain entity classes and configurations given on DbContext. Migrations will create or update the database in a very easy manner. When a project in under development, the programmers keep on updating the entity classes, therefore they need to run migrations inorder to keep the database schema up to date.
The Entity Framework Core Code-First approach creates the database and tables based on entity classes and configurations given on DbContext. The Code-First Approach is helpful in situations where we are beginning a new project and don’t have a clear picture of the database. This is the preferred approach when working with EF Core and the creation of database & tables are done when migration commands are run.
Entity Framework Core Database Context is an important class which is used to maintain session with the database. It thus help in performing all types database operations like creating, reading, updating and deleting records. We create a database context for the app by inheriting a class from the DbContext class of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore namespace.
In Database-First approach the entity and context classes are automatically created by the EF Core from the database. So this means you have to first create your database for the app.
In this tutorial you will learn How to Install Entity Framework Core on your project.
Entity Framework Core also known as EF Core is the latest version of Microsoft’s Entity Framework. It is an Object Relational Mapping (O/RM) framework, an enhanced version of ADO.NET, that automates data storage and retrieval from the database. EF Core is open source, cross-platform, lightweight, extensible and very powerful in nature. It is also very easy to learn and use in our DOT NET Projects.
The jQuery Empty method - .empty() is used to remove all the contents and children of the element.
Many times you need to Disable or Enable controls with jQuery. Here use the jQuery Prop Method to enable or disable any control.
The jQuery Data Method - .data() is used to attach unlimited data on selected elements. It is also used to retrieve data that are attached on elements.
If you want to find a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on, of an element then use jQuery Closest method. You can also provide the filter conditions to narrow down this search.